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Hana Tenglerová is a gender expert, analyst and policy consultant in science and research policy. She leads the STRATIN+ project, which aims to provide expert support to Czech state institutions and is currently also involved in the CZERA project, which goal is to meet Czech, European and international commitments to gender equality in science. In addition, Hana participates in creating the Monitoring Reports on the Status of Women in Czech Science (between 2008 and 2016 as an author, since 2018 as an editor). She also contributed to establishing the Milada Paulová Award given by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. In the past, she was in charge of the department's online communication (newsletter, social networks and the web) and is still responsible for the Twitter account.
Hana also takes part in European projects. For example, in the Horizon 2020 project Gender-SMART, she cooperates on external monitoring and evaluation. In the past, she was responsible for communication and advocacy activities of the Horizon 2020 project GENDERACTION and was also involved in project Casper.